Hey folks! Welcome to 'IN MY MIND' Literature Festival. I am your host. Today we have renowned personality(P) with us (who is in my mind). So let's begin with Q and A round, I hope you will enjoy it!

Host(H): Let's start with your favourite book 'Animal Farm'.
So which character inspires you the most?
P: I would say Napoleon. The way he lead the movement and gradually swept away Snowball,( his ally and critic as well) is astounding.

H: Who do you think help Napoleon the most to take over the charge of 'Animal Farm'?
P: Indubitably Squealer,
H:(obviously) he was persuasive, could turn black into white, manipulated figures and convinced everyone that Napoleon was the sole reason of every successful achievement and every stroke of good fortune. Even the taste of water was credited to him. So you can estimate his brilliant talking.
I am myself a good orator and i can act as well, but there should be more like Squealer who can make my work easier.

H: Which part of the novel fascinates you?
P: There are many but some are exceptionally good.
- When animals came to know about Napoleon's secretly reared huge dogs.
- When he took the credit of Windmill that was planned by Snowball.(Nehru's regime)
- When Snowball(despite not being there) was proposed guilty of every wrongdoing happening in the farm.(Nehru)
- When the seven commandments were changed as per Napoleon's convenience to keep others in deception. 
- When he was called as 'our Leader,Comrade Napoleon'
- When he persuaded all animals on farm to work hard with empty stomachs for windmill which was later proved useless for them. 
- When he annihilated every voice who dissented him.(Attack on journalists)
- When 'Beasts of England' became 'Comrade Napoleon'! (Modi is India, India is Modi)
-When 'Four legs good,two legs bad' became 'Four legs good,two legs better'.
- And lastly when he himself became Mr. Jones.

H: Is there any character who is also the reason of Napoleon's success?
P: Yeah, Sheeps( Bhakts), their tremendous bleating of 'Four legs good, two legs bad' whenever someone started questioning, put an end to any chance of discussion. It helped him a lot, i must say!
One more thing, he didn't have to do anything for animals welfare. His fake tears and fake propaganda managed everything. Isn't it brilliant?

H: It has been a long session, we are at the end of the show. Thank you so much for your deep insight into the book 'Animal Farm'. Let me conclude it for our readers.
So, 'Animal Farm' is a book written by George Orwell. He wrote some of the finest pieces in literary criticism,poetry,fiction, and polemical journalism and Animal farm is one of them. It gives you the better understanding of one's behaviour in the form of allegory. How it can be corrupted, blinded by power and ignored the rights of others to have dignified lives and individual opinions.
So give it a read, it'll be a valuable addition to your book list. And people who have read it, share this blog. Happy reading!!

P.S.- Don't be like P, Be kind, Be informed!


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